Scenes from my Hometown | Logan Utah Landscape and Street Photography

Scenes from my Hometown | Logan Utah Landscape and Street Photography

Cache Valley, Utah is where I was born and raised and while I’m surely biased, I think it has to be one of the most beautiful places in the world. The mountains that surround the valley on all sides are breathtaking–both the scenic vistas from the valley and the rugged natural formations found deep in Logan Canyon. Something I’ve always loved about living in the heart of Cache Valley is having rural farmland all around that makes me feel like I’m in the country while still having the convenience of being only a few minutes away from hospitals, grocery stores, etc. Most of the agricultural scenes in the images below are from a property that is just up the road from my grandparents’ home, and I have many memories of going on walks with my grandpa to throw rocks in the canal that runs through the farm up the street. The historic Downtown Logan area also holds a lot of nostalgia for me–my husband proposed to me after a romantic dinner at The Bluebird restaurant, I performed in a musical at the Ellen Eccles Theatre years ago, and my siblings and I spent every Friday night at the old Somer’s Video store for many of our growing up years, trying to persuade whoever’s turn it was to choose the $1 Friday Night Movie rental to pick whichever 1960’s live action Disney slapstick comedy movie we most wanted to watch (Herbie the Lovebug, The Apple Dumpling Gang, and That Darn Cat were rented by our family too many times to count). Wherever I go as I explore this valley and the mountains surrounding it, I see incredible beauty, and when I have my camera with me, it makes my heart happy to capture a fraction of the stunning beauty before me in a photograph.

Scenes from my Hometown | Logan Utah Landscape and Street Photography

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