SLC Photographer | Bride and Groom Formals in Salt Lake City

SLC Photographer | Bride and Groom Formals in Salt Lake City

I had to sit on these photos for a while but now that Rachelle and Braeden are married it’s so fun to be able to share them!  I took these formal bridal portraits at the Utah State Capitol and Tunnel Springs Park in October–luckily my family and I were in town for a visit because Shawn’s brother was getting married, so we were able to squeeze in a day to make this photo shoot happen while we were visiting!  It was certainly a packed Saturday–my sister Marie had recently gotten an LDS mission call to serve in Brazil, so in preparation for that she received her endowment in the Bountiful LDS temple earlier that same day.  It was a gorgeous, sunny fall day, and it was so special to spend time with my family in the temple together and have fun with cousins at my aunt’s home nearby afterward.  My youngest brother and cousins close in age to him who were too young to come to the temple with us for the endowment session babysat my little G and she was in absolute heaven playing with them. 

After we finished at the temple, Rachelle and Braeden and I headed to the Utah State Capitol building to take their bridal photos.  My husband, Shawn tagged along and was such a good sport to carry stuff around for me, hold the bouquet, toss the veil, etc.  While we had some beautiful sunlight to work with and no snow on the ground yet, it was a very cold and windy day!  I think the trickiest part of taking the photos was timing things just right to snap a photo before the wind blew Rachelle’s hair in her face!  I’m so glad we went to the Capitol building because the marble architecture is so classy and timeless and paired so perfectly with the white and green wedding colors Rachelle had chosen.  It was also a great place to get photos with a view of the Salt Lake City skyline in the background, which I love that we could document because Rachelle and Braeden may have never met if they weren’t both living in Salt Lake at the same time, with a mutual connection who set them up on a blind date. (More on that story right here) After shooting at the Capitol, we also went to Tunnel Springs Park in hilly north Salt Lake to get some photos out in nature for a little more variety.  I love how Rachelle and Braeden’s love for each other comes across so well in these photos and I’m so honored that I got to capture these photos for them!  Here are a few of my favorites, make sure to scroll to the end to see a few behind the scenes photos that are too good not to share!

SLC Photographer | Bride and Groom Formals in Salt Lake City

Bride and Groom in Downtown Salt Lake City

SLC Photographer | Bride and Groom Formals in Salt Lake City

SLC Photographer | Bride and Groom Formals in Salt Lake City

Bride and Groom at Utah State Capitol

SLC Photographer | Bride and Groom Formals in Salt Lake City

SLC Photographer | Bride and Groom Formals in Salt Lake City

Bride and Groom at Tunnel Springs Park

SLC Photographer | Bride and Groom Formals in Salt Lake City

Bride at Tunnel Springs Park

Bride and Groom at Tunnel Springs Park

Shawn and I have a funny photo from our wedding day when Rachelle photobombed one of our bride and groom photos, so he couldn’t resist doing the same!

Veil fluffer action shot!

Rachelle was such a trooper, she was FREEZING by the end!

My dad came to the park to pick up me and Shawn since Rachelle and Braeden had to go somewhere else right at the end of the photo session, and when he got out of the car to look for us he realized how cold and windy it was and that his t-shirt was not going to cut it.  He hadn’t brought a jacket, so he put on the only warm thing he could find in the car–my mom’s signature little red cardinals sweater.  We were dying laughing when we saw him walking up the path in this sweater, which he had just modeled for about 100 high school kids taking school dance pictures!

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