Welcome, Little Rose!

At the end of July we welcomed our sweet baby girl!  Her middle name is Rose and that’s how we refer to her on public social media (we’re a little extra careful about putting her full name out on the internet that because of my husband’s career).  Anyways, we are in love with her and so grateful she’s here!  Her birth didn’t go the way I envisioned it (scheduled c-section at 39 weeks due to low amniotic fluid which prevented her from turning head down) but ultimately we felt a lot of peace about it and were just so grateful that she came into the world safe and healthy.  It was still such a beautiful experience even though it wasn’t the type of delivery I had always imagined, and really I wouldn’t change a thing, because the whole sequence of events plus miracles from God brought Rose to us, and we couldn’t be more grateful.  My friend Jamie at Jamie Winfield Photography took these Fresh 48 photos for us at the hospital and I’m so glad we have them!  Baby Rose is already so much bigger now and I will love Jamie forever for capturing these little moments when she was so fresh and tiny and new.

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