Gilbert Senior Photographer | Senior Girl Portraits

It seems like yesterday that Marie was watching Teletubbies and eating Parmesan cheese behind the couch by the bowlful…but now my baby sister is my favorite person to laugh-snort over Jane Austen memes with, and every bit an accomplished young lady.  It’s hard to believe that Marie’s high school days are coming to a close, and before we know it, she’ll be heading off to BYU this fall.

During her years in high school, Marie followed in my brother Bradford’s footsteps and competed on the mountain bike team.  I have loved hearing about how much she has loved biking as well as the great friends she made on the team, and I’m so glad I got to watch one of her bike races before we moved from UT to AZ.  Marie even won a scholarship essay contest for writing about what mountain biking has meant in her life, and as possibly the least athletic sibling in my family, it was so inspiring to me to read about what a positive effect the sport of mountain biking has had on my sister’s life, in more ways than I ever would have guessed.  Marie has also worked really hard in school to learn and develop her talents, and she’s feeling quite relieved right now to have her big AP English test over with and to have submitted her AP Art portfolio that represents hundreds of hours of work.

I’m so glad I got to see Marie when she came with my parents and brother to help us move across town!  It was such a busy weekend, but we made sure to schedule in some time for Marie’s senior pictures during a family outing to the beautiful grounds at the Gilbert LDS Temple.  I loved capturing my not-so-little-anymore little sister who is intelligent, extremely kind, driven and beautiful inside and out!

Gilbert senior photographer senior girl portraits at Gilbert LDS temple Hannah Israelsen Photography

Gilbert senior photographer senior girl portraits at Gilbert LDS temple Hannah Israelsen Photography

Girl standing in front of LDS temple Hannah Israelsen Photography

Gilbert senior photographer senior girl portraits at Gilbert LDS temple Hannah Israelsen Photography

Girl standing in field in Arizona BYU freshman Hannah Israelsen Photography

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Gilbert Senior Photographer | Senior Girl Portraits

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