Happy Halloween from the Royal Family

Happy Halloween everyone!  This was our first real holiday as parents and it has been so much fun to have a baby to dress up and just enjoy the excitement of Halloween with, even though Rose has no idea what’s going on!  Shawn always gets told he looks like Prince William, and I figured Rose and I could pass for a baby Princess Charlotte and Princess Kate, so we dressed up as the Royal Family.  We don’t have a George (& definitely don’t have a #3 on the way) but close enough right?  Hope you all have a fun Halloween!  And to those out there still struggling with infertility–know that I am thinking of you & praying for you as we enter the holiday season.  I know holidays are extra tough as you’re reminded of all the traditions that you want to do with your future kids.  I hope that sharing these photos doesn’t add to your pain, but that as I celebrate my little miracle you feel my sincere hope that your miracle is just around the corner.

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