Our Infertility Timeline

During National Infertility Awareness Week, I shared this little infertility timeline on my Instagram stories.  I think it’s the best way I’ve found to summarize our infertility story for anyone who wants to catch up on our journey!  If you ever have questions about infertility or IVF, or wonder what’s appropriate or sensitive to say to someone you know who’s dealing with it, please ask me!  I’m tired of infertility being a taboo subject and not treated as the medical disease that it is.  Hopefully the more people become aware of it, the more understanding and sensitivity there will be for the most painful trial I have ever experienced.  If you’re struggling with infertility and need a friend to talk to, please reach out to me!!  You’re not alone.   I may have a baby now, but I’m still #1in8 (women affected by infertility) and I’m here to help and support you.

Click the right and left arrows on the slider below to read through our infertility story timeline.

Photo credit: Myrna Wood

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