North Logan Photographer | Green Canyon Engagement Session

Last year, two weddings brought an awesome new in-law to each side of our families and the same thing is happening this year, with Bradford & Wendy’s wedding on my side of the family and a wedding in Shawn’s family in September! Shawn’s youngest brother, Sheldon, is engaged! While serving an LDS mission in Louisiana, Sheldon met Laura, who was serving as a missionary in the same mission. They were just friends at that point, but they reconnected after they both came home from their missions and fell in love! These two are really the perfect match, they are both a lot of fun to be around, great at dancing, easygoing and happy personalities, but competitive during card games!

When Sheldon knew he wanted to marry Laura, he came up with a plan to make sure that the moment he popped the question would be unforgettable! He decided he would propose while they were on a trip to the beautiful place that brought them into each other’s lives, Louisiana. They were walking through the streets of New Orleans during Mardi Gras when Sheldon surprised Laura with a bouquet of her favorite flowers, sunflowers, and a serenade from a jazz band while he got down on one knee. How cute is that?!

We are so excited for Sheldon and Laura, they make the perfect pair and we love Laura so much! I’m so glad things worked out for me to take engagement photos with them at Green Canyon while I’ve been in Utah this spring, can’t wait to come back and celebrate with Laura and Sheldon in September!

North Logan Photographer | Green Canyon Engagement Pictures
North Logan Photographer | Green Canyon Engagement Pictures | Interracial Couple
North Logan Photographer | Engagement Pictures with Lilacs | Elk Ridge Park
North Logan Photographer | Green Canyon Engagement Pictures | Interracial Couple
North Logan Photographer | Green Canyon Engagement Pictures
North Logan Photographer | Green Canyon Engagement Pictures
Interracial Couple Engagement Pictures in the Mountains
North Logan Photographer | Green Canyon Engagement Pictures
North Logan Photographer | Green Canyon Engagement Pictures

Looking for a portrait photographer? While commercial photography is my main focus, I still take on a limited number of portrait sessions per year in both Arizona and Utah. Contact me here if you’d like to learn more!
North Logan Photographer | Green Canyon Engagement Session

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